Deb Dempsey
Had crafted Fabricccoil Baskets
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Havasu Art Trail
Artist Biography
Artist Bio Dempsey
My love of fabric is in my DNA! My grandmother was an interior decorator, my mom was a beautiful seamstress and my sister is a master quilter. One of my science projects was centered around material and for many years I made my own clothes. My focus and various projects and hobbies have always included material. It seems only natural that I evolved into making baskets. I started making my own gift baskets for family and friends before I retired.
I love creating baskets! It’s exciting to try distinct color combinations, using beading, buttons and integrating yarn into my pieces.
My passion for all things creative has led me to various committees and positions with local art groups. I’ve won various awards in fiber for my baskets and hope you enjoy your ”functional art”.